Friday, September 13, 2013

Keasler Recognized as Certified Athletic Administrator

Director of Athletics, Steve Keasler
The National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA) is pleased to announce that Steve Keasler, Director of Athletics at Midlothian ISD, has been recognized by this association as a Certified Athletic Administrator.

To earn this distinction, Keasler has demonstrated the highest level of knowledge and expertise in the field of interscholastic athletic administration. The voluntary certification process included a thorough evaluation of the candidate's educational background, experience and professional contributions, as well as a rigorous, comprehensive written examination.

Keasler is one of an elite group of interscholastic athletic administrators nationwide to attain this level of professionalism.

The NIAAA is a national professional organization consisting of all 50 state athletic administrator associations and more than 7,600 individual members. It is dedicated to promoting the professional growth of high school athletic administrators and preserving the educational nature of interscholastic athletics and the place of these programs in the secondary school curriculum.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mr. T.E. Baxter Will Be Missed

Mr. T.E. Baxter
On September 4, the district administrators were informed that Mr. T.E. Baxter passed away peacefully at the age of 93. In 1988, T.E. Baxter Elementary was named after Mr. Baxter, who was a veteran and 29-year educator. He spent many years greeting students and reading to classes. Mr. Baxter's love and passion for education and people will always be cherished. The students and staff at T.E. Baxter Elementary will acknowledge his legacy during a Minute of Silence. Read more about T.E. Baxter Elementary.