Friday, May 10, 2013

Seventh Graders Earn State and National in Duke Talent Program

 Congratulations to the Midlothian ISD 7th graders who qualified for Duke Talent Identification Program State Recognition.  They are Frank Seale Middle School students Reese Alexander, Rachel Keener, Ethan Tupper, Aubrey Walton and Walnut Grove Middle School students Hunter Elgin, Carson Lansdowne and Mashayla Marler.

Top photo:  Rachel Keener, Aubrey Walton, Ethan Tupper and Reese Alexander

Bottom photo:  Mashayla Marler, Carson Lansdowne and Hunter Elgin
In addition to State Recognition, Carson Lansdowne earned national Grand Recognition because he scored equal to or better than 90% of all seniors in the nation who took the same test.  View Carson’s Grand Recognition Video

The Duke Talent Identification Program is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving academically gifted and talented students. The 7th Grade Talent Search identifies bright seventh graders based on standardized test scores achieved while attending elementary or middle school. Candidates are invited to take the ACT or the SAT college entrance exams as seventh graders, which allows them greater insight into their academic abilities.

These students met rigorous performance standards that compared their scores to national percentile rankings of all students who took the ACT or SAT. Earning special recognition means that these middle school students outscored a significant number of high school juniors and seniors who took the same college entrance exams.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Immunizations for incoming 7th Graders

Attention 6th grade parents: Your incoming 7th grader may need vaccinations this summer. The State of Texas requires that all students be vaccinated against certain communicable diseases before starting school. Students that do not meet the 2013-2014 Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements will not be able to start the school year OR obtain his/her student schedule if immunizations are not up-to-date. Please check with your doctor or the school nurse if you have any questions.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Celebrate Students' Work at the Educational Showcase

Midlothian ISD will host its 7th annual K-12th Educational Showcase on Monday, May 20 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Midlothian High School. Parents and community members are invited to see our students present their engaging lessons in all subject areas and grade levels. The district curriculum is based on guided lessons that provide a motivational framework for improving student performance through the quality of the work teachers design for students.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Distinguished Performance Schools

For the second year in a row, J.R. Irvin Elementary and J.A. Vitovksy Elementary are among 211 Texas schools that earned the Distinguished Performance Title I award for the 2012-13 school year. The Texas Education Agency recognizes Title I schools that have consistently demonstrated strong academic performances over a three-year period. 

“I am very proud of the hard work and cooperation of the students, staff, and parents of these campuses, for without this coordination, this level of achievement would not be possible,” said Lisa Knight, Director of Special and Federal Programs.

In order to earn the Title I Distinguished Performance recognition, a campus must have a student enrollment that is comprised of 40% or more low socio-economic status, met Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in 2011 and in 2012, received Recognized or Exemplary status for 2009 and 2010, and have been awarded the highest rating, Exemplary, in 2011.

Although T.E. Baxter Elementary is a Title 1 school, it did not meet the minimum requirement of having 40% or more socio-economic status.